This article refers to the modern, up-to-date installation method of installing the theme locally as Hugo module. It describes how to install, upgrade the theme, and write new articles.

Proxy (optional)

If you’re located at China mainland without VPN, the Hugo module download may fail.

There are two proxies for this: GOPROXY.CN and GOPROXY.IO.

1$  go env -w GOPROXY=,direct


1$ go env -w GOPROXY=,direct


Install a new site from scratch

Step 1: Create skeleton site

  • Create and enter new site:
1$ hugo new site my-new-blog
2$ cd my-new-blog

Step 2: Turn your new site into a Hugo module:

1$ hugo mod init

Step 3: Declare hugo-theme-bootstrap module as a site dependency:

1$ hugo mod get

Step 4 (optional): Copy example site content into your site

  • Clone the hugo-theme-bootstrap repo into a temporary directory:
1$ git clone /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap

If you’re using Windows, use git clone %temp%\hugo-theme-bootstrap instead.

  • Copy example site content:
1$ cp -a /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/* .

If you’re using Windows, use xcopy %TEMP%\hugo-theme-bootstrap\exampleSite /E instead.

  • Remove your file config.toml
1rm config.toml
  • Delete the repo from your temporary directory again:
1$ rm -rf /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap

At the top of your config/_default/config.toml, switch the uncommented theme:

1# theme = "hugo-theme-bootstrap" # install via git submodule
2theme = "" # install via hugo module

Step 5: Pull in dependencies via npm

  • Use node package manager npm to pull in dependencies for this theme:
1$ hugo mod npm pack
2$ npm install

Step 6: Preview your site

  • Start hugo’s built-in webserver to preview your website:
1$ hugo server

Install on an existing site

Step 1: Turn your existing site into a Hugo module:

1$ cd my-blog
2$ hugo mod init

Step 2: Declare hugo-theme-bootstrap module as a site dependency:

1$ hugo mod get

Step 3 (optional): Copy example site content into your site

  • Clone the hugo-theme-bootstrap repo into a temporary directory:
1$ git clone /tmp/
  • Copy example site configuration and content into your site:
 1$ mkdir config
 2$ cp -a /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/config/* ./config
 3$ cp -r /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/content/about/ \
 4  /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/content/archives/ \
 5  /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/content/categories/ \
 6  /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/content/contact/ \
 7  /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/content/offline/ \
 8  /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/content/search/ \
 9  /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/content/series/ \
10  /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/exampleSite/content/tags/ \
11  ./content
  • Delete the repo from your temporary directory again:
1$ rm -rf /tmp/hugo-theme-bootstrap/

At the top of your config/_default/config.toml, switch the uncommented theme:

1# theme = "hugo-theme-bootstrap" # install via git submodule
2theme = "" # install via hugo module

Step 4: Pull in dependencies via npm

  • Use node package manager npm to pull in dependencies for this theme:
1$ hugo mod npm pack
2$ npm install

Step 5: Preview your site

  • Start hugo’s built-in webserver to preview your website:
1$ hugo server

Theme Upgrade

  • Invoke hugo’s module get subcommand with the update flag:
1$ cd my-blog
2$ hugo mod get -u

Hugo will automatically pull in the latest theme version.

If you want to set your module to a certain version inside the hugo-theme-bootstrap theme repo, simply specific the name of the tag representing this version when updating your theme.

Latest version: Releases .

1$ hugo mod get -u

Instead of a version tag, you can also specify a commit hash inside the repo (here: de4a40f) when updating your theme:

1$ hugo mod get -u